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Dublin’s footprint grew steadily during the 1970s with housing transforming the landscape of the west of the city, especially in Tallaght, Clondalkin and Blanchardstown. There was much talk about what needed to be done but little happened until the latter years of the 1980s. When change came it was dramatic and both the social geography of the city centre and its appearance were transformed in less than five years. The urban environment was given greater attention, largely because the issues could no longer be avoided.

Joseph Brady is a geographer and formerly Head of the UCD School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy and Dean of Arts.

Cabra Library
Cabra Library, Navan Road, Dublin

Dublin from 1970 to 1990: The City Transformed
Image: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/dublin-from-1970-to-1990-the-city-transformed-tickets-396533250627

General Info

Admission / Cost FREE
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: www.eventbrite.ie/...
Organiser Dublin Festival of History - Cabra Library

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