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Architects in Schools is a free Transition Year programme, open to all second level schools and Youthreach centres in the Republic of Ireland.

This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge of architecture with young people and teachers in a fun and engaging way.

You will work directly with Transition Year students in their school or Youthreach centre, supporting them as they learn how to explore, research, design and communicate their ideas about architecture and the built environment. You will also collaborate with students and teachers to select work for the annual Architects in Schools exhibition in May 2024.

You can request to work with 1-5 schools and in which counties. The time commitment will depend on the number of schools and whether they selected the full programme (20 hours) or introductory programme (4 hours). The schedule is flexible, with workshops to take place between September 2023 and March 2024. You will be paid a fee of €50/hour. CPD points are also available based on the number of hours you participate.

Apply online by 28 July, 6pm.

Architects in Schools is a programme of the Irish Architecture Foundation, supported by the Arts Council of Ireland, the Department of Education, and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Architects in Schools: Open Call for Architects 2023/24
Image: Photo by Paul Sherwood Photography

General Info

Admission / Cost FREE
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: docs.google.com/...


Irish Architecture Foundation

About Established in 2005, the Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF) is an independent organisation dedicated to the promotion of architecture as culture. We encourage people to engage with their built environment, to inspire new ways of thinking about architecture. We truly believe architecture has the power to improve the way we live and how we think about our built environment. By bringing people together from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, we can create a more inclusive conversation that will inspire a better-built environment for everyone.

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