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Art workshops in Irish Georgian Society exhibition space, facilitated by Rachel Burke and Niamh Moran. Four booked-in free workshops run over two days as part of Crunnui na nog. Morning workshops catering towards under 12's and afternoon workshops for teens.

Building your own 3d model out of card, paper, collage and paint of houses/homes to be part of an installation piece. Burke and Moran have a two- person exhibition running in the Irish Georgian Society and the workshops are designed to respond to exhibition, the venue's architecture and also to housing crisis.

Children’s Craft Workshops: Cruinniú na nÓg 2024 – Four Walls and a Roof
Image: https://www.igs.ie/events/childrens-craft-workshops-cruinni%C3%BA-na-n%C3%B3g-2024

General Info

Admission / Cost FREE
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: www.eventbrite.ie/...
More Info www.igs.ie/...
Organiser Cruinniú na nÓg & Irish Georgian Society

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