Community-led housing comes in many forms, from community land trusts to cooperative housing models. What they all have in common is that people collectively design their communities. Community-led housing is common in many other parts of the world, and there is growing interest in the role it could play in the future of housing in Ireland, including its potential to provide affordable housing.
On 26 November, the IAF and The Housing Agency are delighted to host a lunchtime discussion where we will be hearing from a series of speakers on topics related to community-led housing in Ireland. This panel discussion will raise awareness and interest in community-led housing; talk about the current status of community-led housing in Ireland; and discuss the potential community-led housing represents.
Registration is free, and lunch will be provided.
Book your place.
12:30-13:00 Lunch and browse the exhibitions
13:00-14:00 Community-led Housing in Ireland – Continuing the Conversation
The discussion will be chaired by Johanna Wiedermann from The Housing Agency. Panellists will each be invited to make a short presentation on their work, followed by a conversation and audience Q+A on the topic of community-led housing.
Padraig Flynn, SOA (Self Organised Architecture)
Haley Curran, Policy manager at Cooperative Housing Ireland
Anne Connolly, SAVVY Living, a nonprofit organisation which seeks to promote co-housing for older people in Ireland
General Info
Venue / Location