In conjunction with the courtyard installation at IMMA, Demolition Take Down will co-host a public talk during the Earth Rising Festival at IMMA.
Join us for a series of short presentations by leading thinkers and practitioners in the construction industry on September 22nd at 3:30pm. The discussion will include an introduction from Islander Architects with an overview of the Demolition Take Down project, followed by presentations, a panel discussion and Q&A.
Special guests include Susannah Hagan, Emeritus Professor of Architecture at the University of Westminster, London; Ellen McKinney sustainability manager at IPUT Real Estate; Joseph Kilroy of the CIOB; Dr Carole Pollard architect & architectural historian. This cross-disciplinary event will be chaired by Emer Byrne from the School of Surveying and Construction Innovation, TU Dublin.
Talk will take place in the Talks suite, IMMA. Places are limited to 60 on a first come basis.
General Info