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Would you like to get advice and feedback from some of Ireland's leading placemaking, architectural and public space experts? The Irish Architecture Foundation is running a series of 20 minute clinics, as an easy-access service for Local Authority and Public Service staff who are developing concepts and ideas outdoor public space around Ireland.

Each clinic will be 20 minutes long and delivered by members of our Professional Panel.

Formed in 2020, the Reimagine Professional Panel is a multi-disciplinary group of architectural, placemaking, spatial and design professionals. We work closely with this group to run our projects, talks and to develop resources.

There are nine online sessions available in March, with Orla Murphy, Alan Mee and Emma Geoghegan.

Drop in to the Reimagine Clinics
Image: IAF

General Info

Event Type(s) Workshops
Tickets / Admission 50
Organiser Irish Architecture Foundation

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