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Please join us with your questions on this World Green Buildings Week event to pick the brains of those at the coal face of the EPBD roll-out.

The Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD) Recast report was adopted in March 2023 by the European Parliament. It is currently under trialogue discussion between the Parliament, the Council of Europe, and the European Commission. Inevitably, once the details are refined, a new high-impact EPBD will be rolled out in Member States in the near future.

So how will the new look EPBD affect the Irish commercial built environment and what are the new instruments and initiatives that you need to be aware of? Ciaran Cuffe MEP has been central to the EPBD Recast process. He is our guest speaker and will be joined by Marion Jammet, IGBC Head of Policy; John Morehead, of Wain Morehead Architects; and Celine Carre, Head of European Public Affairs in Saint Gobain.

EPBD Recast: An Update Webinar

General Info

Event Type(s) Other Events
Admission / Cost FREE
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: www.igbc.ie/...
More Info www.igbc.ie/...


Irish Green Building Council

About The Irish Green Building Council – IGBC is a non-profit organisation launched in 2011 with the aim of accelerating the transformation of the built environment, related industry and supply chain to one that is sustainable through leadership, research, education, and providing policy input to national and local government.
Twitter @IrishGBC

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