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The Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA) is delighted to be hosting a talk with the internationally best-selling architect, design and graphic author, Frank Ching.

Most architects will have sought support from Frank at one point or other in their studies as they turned to one of his books, for example 'Architectural Graphics' (first published 1975) or 'Architecture: Form, Space and Order' (first published 1979).

Frank’s books have been widely influential and continue to shape the visual language of all fields of design. Frank will be joining us live from Seattle, Washington State, for a 45-minute presentation covering his journey that led him to be an “accidental academic”, the power of communicating through hand drawing and his views on the role of modern design technologies. There may even be a bit of live drawing.

The presentation will be followed by an open question and answer session chaired by architect and artist, Peter Monaghan, Chair of the nascent RSUA Digital Design Committee.

Francis D.K. Ching in Graphic Conversation

General Info

Event Type(s) Festivals
Tickets / Admission £12.50
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: rsua.org.uk/...
More Info rsua.org.uk/...


The Royal Society of Ulster Architects

About The Royal Society of Ulster Architects strives to enhance Northern Ireland's built environment for the benefit of all through the promotion of architecture. We are the membership body for Architects in Northern Ireland.
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