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Inspired by the idea that there could one day be a Citizens’ Assembly on housing in Ireland, this workshop invites a diverse group of people with different personal experiences of housing to ask, “What do we have in common on housing?” and “How can housing contribute to our common good?”

A structured workshop will explore these questions and responses to them over the course of the afternoon, with each participant taking away a booklet of ideas and insights that we produce live on the day.

This workshop will be led by Stephen Musiol, an architect who works on housing.

Housing in Common
Image: Photo by Felicity Maxwell, Irish Architecture Foundation

General Info

Event Type(s) Workshops
Admission / Cost FREE
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: www.eventbrite.ie/...

Venue / Location

Science Gallery More Info

Address: Naughton Institute
Trinity College Dublin
Public Transport Luas: Trinity


Irish Architecture Foundation

About Established in 2005, the Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF) is an independent organisation dedicated to the promotion of architecture as culture. We encourage people to engage with their built environment, to inspire new ways of thinking about architecture. We truly believe architecture has the power to improve the way we live and how we think about our built environment. By bringing people together from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, we can create a more inclusive conversation that will inspire a better-built environment for everyone.

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