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What do you need to know and do to maintain clients, prices, sales and profitability? Do you have an efficient business growth strategy? Are you positioning yourself to grow your profit margins in today’s economy?

In this series of three workshops – ‘Increase Your Profitability' - Chris Merrington shares his strategies on how to maintain a profitable business in the face of inflation, get better briefs and budgets and grow stronger and better relationships with key clients to grow your business revenue and success.

Book for the full series or individual workshops

Maximise Profitability and Pricing in 2023/24
June 28th, 10am to 11.30am

Your pricing and profitability are likely to be under more pressure than ever before. Clients are likely to be wanting more for less whilst your operating costs are still rising. Fear and lack of confidence often prevent us pricing our services for what they are worth.

In the current world of economic uncertainties and rising cost of living, it is even more crucial to price effectively, handle price challenges and understand our value, to maintain our business and keep our business profitability growing.

Chris Merrington will share his strategies on how to maintain a profitable business and navigate the following pricing challenges:
- The art of successfully increasing your prices, fees and rates and strategies to increase your profitability.
- Avoiding the 3 most classic pricing mistakes
- Pricing more effectively with 7 behavioural science strategies - NEW this year

Retain and Grow Clients
July 5th 10am to 11.30am

A 5% increase in customer retention can increase profits by up to 95%. It is estimated that the cost of retaining an old customer is five times lower than that of acquiring a new one.

While there are advantages that come with capturing new clients, especially if you are only starting your business, keeping customers coming back will result in a greater return on investment — and it costs up to 5 times less.

In this 90-minute workshop, Chris Merrington will teach you how to increase your business profitability by investing in the growth of your relationships with your existing best clients and working with them to plan for the future, help them see and capture opportunities, while ultimately growing your own revenue.

The workshop will cover:
- Why by growing your best clients you are likely to substantially increase your overall profitability.
- How to identify which clients should you invest in
- Spot the warning signs that you might be about to lose a key client.
- The top 4 growth strategies you should consider
- Chris Merrington’s 5 practical, proven techniques to retain and grow your clients.

Better Briefs and Bigger Budgets
July 12th, 10am to 11.30am

Almost 50% of projects encounter scope creep, while nearly 40% of agencies surpass their project budget because of it.

There's an important fine line between providing good service to your clients - which sometimes does require going above and beyond; and over-servicing your clients - which leads to lower profits, giving away your services for free, setting a precedent of unrealistic expectations for your clients and puts your agency’s reputation at risk, especially if you’re now struggling to meet other clients’ deadlines.

So what can you do if you’re not generating as much profit as you should, are being offered a lower budget than the work is worth or dealing with dissatisfied clients?

In this 90-minute workshop Chris Merrington will teach you how to obtain a better brief and budget from your clients and prevent brief and budget scope creep.

It will cover:
- How to help your clients to “Give you the freedom of a tight brief” from the start
- The real skill of extracting a great brief from a client.
- Manage your clients when they say “That’s all the budget we’ve got”
- Specific techniques to get closer to understanding the real budget and maybe even get the client to spend more
- The proven techniques Chris uses regularly in his own work with his clients to get better briefs and bigger budgets

Increase Your Profitability: 3 workshops with Chris Merrington

General Info

Tickets / Admission €49 for members/ €75 for non-members
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: www.eventbrite.ie/...


The Institute of Designers in Ireland

About The Institute of Designers in Ireland (IDI) was established in 1972 to lead design in Ireland, by associating in a single professional institute as the recognised national, EU and international association and representative body for qualified and qualifying designers in Ireland. We organise on local and national levels to promote and advocate for Irish design.The IDI represents and supports creativity within a range of disciplines, including architecture and interior design.
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