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The purpose of the inaugural National Engineering Summit has a singular focus — Bring together senior engineers and management from leading global and Irish construction companies, manufacturers, building owners, energy companies, technology companies, data centres etc that are instrumental in building, maintaining and improving the performance of Irelands, buildings, industrial projects , infrastructure and products. The purpose of the event is to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration and to connect buyers and sellers.

Why Attend:
· Educational seminars on the latest industry issues
· Key insights from industry thought leaders, practitioners & service providers
· First-hand case studies on the challenges of facility management and maintenance procurement leadership
· Hands-on demonstrations of the latest solutions in the technology showcase
· Excellent networking opportunities with peers throughout the day
· Meet multiple exhibitors that can meet your needs

Location: Sport Ireland, National Indoor Arena, Snugborough Road, Dublin

National Engineering Summit

General Info

Event Type(s) Other Events
Admission / Cost FREE
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: www.eventbrite.ie/...
Organiser National Engineering Summit

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