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Our first Reimagine Session of 2023 will bring people together to discuss the future of vacant buildings in our towns and villages.

The Central Statistics Office reported 166,752 vacant houses and apartments in Census 2022. While there are many reasons that homes lie empty, with the current housing and climate crisis we have a responsibility to find new ways of bringing these buildings back into use. We are excited to bring together an interesting line-up of speakers who will share ideas, case studies and initiatives, with the aim of inspiring discussion, ideas and action.

Presenting at this event will be:
Alison Harvey, The Heritage Council
Shaheena Din, Scottish Empty Homes Partnership
Emmet Walsh, EWA Architects and The Working-Home
Nick Taaffe, Chartered Surveyor and host of the 11 February site visit to his converted barbershop

This event is hosted as part of the Irish Architecture Foundation’s Housing Unlocked exhibition. Audience members are invited to stay after the event for a special short tour of the Housing Unlocked exhibition, focusing specifically on projects that explore the adaptive reuse of vacant buildings.

Are you undertaking your own building reuse project? You might be interested in joining a special site visit on 11 February of the project that guest speaker Nick Taaffe is undertaking in Dún Laoghaire. For more information and to register, visit the Dún Laoghaire Site Visit page.

The New Life for Old Buildings events are supported by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Reimagine Session: New Life for Old Buildings
Image: Bryan Brophy

General Info

Event Type(s) Talks & Debates
Admission / Cost FREE
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: www.eventbrite.ie/...

Venue / Location

Science Gallery More Info

Address: Naughton Institute
Trinity College Dublin
Public Transport Luas: Trinity


Irish Architecture Foundation

About Established in 2005, the Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF) is an independent organisation dedicated to the promotion of architecture as culture. We encourage people to engage with their built environment, to inspire new ways of thinking about architecture. We truly believe architecture has the power to improve the way we live and how we think about our built environment. By bringing people together from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, we can create a more inclusive conversation that will inspire a better-built environment for everyone.

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