The Shane de Blacam Residency aims to expand awareness of de Blacam & Meagher’s work and to foster connections between the UK and Ireland. The residency is organised by the Royal Academy of Arts in collaboration with Architecture at the Edge. While in Ireland, the Resident will be encouraged to visit de Blacam’s built projects and to speak with the practice de Blacam & Meagher. A contextual study of the work of other architects and designers in Ireland is also encouraged.
In addition to any specific areas that applicants would like to research, possible lines of enquiry in de Blacam’s work include:
• The importance of materials and detailing including timber and stone
• The design and ethos of public buildings, particularly those devoted to conviviality and learning
• Religious and spiritual architecture
• The relationship between architectural teaching and practice
The Resident will be expected to:
• Commit time before the project for preparation and research, including a briefing session in advance (either in person or via video conference);
• Provide a plan of travel and study before departure for Ireland;
• Document observations to be published via the Royal Academy of Arts social media channels;
• Provide a final residency report outlining main research findings;
• Participate in a public event at the Royal Academy of Arts where research findings can be presented;
• Participate in the Architecture at the Edge festival in Ireland
• Propose activities in the UK and/ or Rep. or Ireland as a legacy of the residency e.g. a small exhibition, publication or workshop (please note these activities will be funded separately at the discretion of the RA and/or Architecture at the Edge).
The Residency award will consist of:
• A grant of £3000 to cover: a travel allowance within Ireland, and subsistence for a 6- week residency
• Mentoring, advice and contacts from architects throughout Ireland and the UK, partnering organisations and the Royal Academy of Arts
• We may be able to assist in arranging subsidised accommodation depending on the proposed programme of activities and will otherwise fund accommodation as necessary
Criteria for eligibility to apply:
• Applicants should be UK-based architects or designers with some professional experience. This opportunity is open to practicing professionals.
• Applicants must be able to travel to Ireland for a period of 6 weeks between 27 June and 4 October 2024 (arriving in Ireland before 23 August 2024).
How to Apply
If you would like to apply for the residency please submit the following:
• CV;
• A proposal for the angle of research and study in Ireland (max 300 words);
• A six week itinerary, including possible locations and projects to visit. Please note if accepted this can change as needed as the project progresses (max 300 words);
• A plan to document the research, e.g. film, sketchbook, audio or video recordings (max 200 words);
•An explanation of why you would benefit from the opportunity and how the research will widen and deepen the understanding of de Blacam & Meagher’s work (maximum 200 words)
We also welcome video submissions addressing the sections above. Any video should be no more than 5mins long, clearly structured according to the headings above, and accompanied by a written CV.
Submissions should not exceed 5MB in size and should be emailed to by 16:00 (GMT) on Wednesday 8 May 2024.
Selection and Jury
The selection panel will be formed by members of the residency advisory board including:
Vicky Richardson, Head of Architecture and Heinz Curator at Royal Academy of Arts
Hana Nihill, Senior Programme Manager at Royal Academy of Arts
Frank Monahan, Director, Architecture at the Edge
Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview (either in person or via video conference) in the week starting 20 May 2024. Successful applicants will be notified by 31 May 2024.
General Info