Presentation of the conservation repair and consolidation works carried out at Menlough, Tirellan and Merlin castles by Fergal Mc Namara, 7L Architects, followed by walking tour to Tirellan Castle (Terryland) led by Dr. Jim Higgins, Heritage and Conservation Officer, Galway City Council.
The first stage of the Conservation repair of Menlough, Tirellan and Merlin castles was carried out in 2021 and continues in 2022. While the conservation works have partially stabilised the ruins, it is anticipated that a a programme of landscaping and access works will allow them to be safely opened up in the future for the enjoyment of Galwegians and visitors to the city. Tirellan is a fortified house of the seventeenth century which enjoys a riverine setting with views towards the University of Galway. Merlin, a tower house of the sixteenth century is an essential element of Merlin Woods and now forms the centrepiece of a large residential scheme. Both castles are located in established amenity areas that share their names; Terryland Forest Park and Merlin Park Woods.
Their potential to animate and enrich the use of these parks will be explored with proposals for the public realm of the city, where these landmark structures would play an enhanced role.
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